Sunday, 27 December 2020

I'll have all the answers when I'm older

This will all make sense when I am older
Someday, I will see that this makes sense
One day, when I'm old and wise
I'll think back and realize
That these were all completely normal events
Growing up means adapting
Puzzling at your world and your place
When I'm more mature
I'll feel totally secure
So there's no need to be terrified or tense
I'll just dream about a time
When I'm in my age of prime

my heart just knows

my heart just knows
when it’s the real thing
when it’s the rеal kind of trust

Yeah, my heart just knows
When it’s thе real you
When it’s the real me and us

I don’t be wanna alone at the end of the day
I need somebody to call, 
say that I’ll be okay

Friday, 25 December 2020

soft sounds of your breath, and the sound of my heart

When you called up my phone I was all alone
Voice close to my ear  - like the sound of a song

You said let's take a ride, this was late July
We got lost in the night...

Don’t remember the words but I know how I felt
Is this trouble again?

I never felt like this with somebody
I never thought I'd feel like I do

I never had this rush in my body
I never thought I'd feel something new

I never felt this close with somebody
Somebody, somebody but you

Something about you and the way we fit, like the stars in the night

Hadn't know you for long but it felt like years
From the second we met, I knew things would change

Monday, 14 December 2020

the whole universe is in us

The whole universe is contained in an apple wedge in a lunch box.
Apple tree, sunlight, cloud, rain, earth, air, farmer's sweat are all in it.
Delivery truck, gas, market, money, cashier's smile are all in it.
Refrigerator, knife, cutting board, mother's love are all in it. 

Sunday, 13 December 2020

само за теб

Само за теб ще нося в сърцето най-нежната песен от много далеч.

Само за теб протягам ръка и все ти измислям добри имена.

Само за теб рисувам дъга и после от нея рисувам света.

Любовта гори в очите ти,
но устните мълчат, докога?

прости ми че сънувам те

Тази нощ аз те сънувам,
държа те силно с двете си ръце,
ревнувам те от вятъра,
от приказното лято
в което ти удави моето сърце...
И така чак до сутринта...

Прости ми, че сънувам те
Прости ми, че ревнувам те
Прости ми - събуди ме от съня
Докосни ме, за да не умра

when your heart was open wide and you loved things just because

And sometimes when you’re on 
You’re really fucking on 
And your friends they sing along 
And they love you 

But the lows are so extreme 
That the good seems fucking cheap 
And it teases you for weeks in its absence 

But you’ll fight and you’ll make it through 
You’ll fake it if you have to 
And you’ll show up for work with a smile 
And you’ll be better 
And you’ll be smarter 
And more grown up 
And a better daughter or son 
And a real good friend 

And you’ll be awake 
You’ll be alert 
You’ll be positive though it hurts 
And you’ll laugh and embrace all your friends 
And you’ll be a real good listener 
You’ll be honest 
You’ll be brave 
You’ll be handsome and you’ll be beautiful 
You’ll be happy 

пея любимата твоя мелодия, просто я чуй в тишината

Ако съм огън, ще изгоря
Ако съм лед, ще се разтопя
Как да дишам, ако те няма

Сигурно вече ше станем банални, но тези неща са реални
Т‘ва ни се случва, т‘ва ни улучва, т‘ва е във гърлото тъпата бучка
Т‘ва не е мислено, т‘ва е импулс, т‘ва е свръх ускореният пулс

Липсваш ми само докато дишам
Глупав съм само когато обичам
И двамата знаем добре к‘во е болка, име, с което сега те наричам