Saturday, 31 October 2020

initiating takeoff in three, two...

Listen, I'm on a mission,
I never been the one to fit in
I do it different
I find a spaceship and I get in

I got ignition
I got that 20/20 vision

Tuesday, 27 October 2020


Everything goes wrong when we start talking 
Communication isn't really our thing
We are so sensitive and take it all personal
There are many ways to say something but we never pick the right one

We scream and shout
We scream so loud
So loud that all the neighbours can hear us
It's better than explaining how we feel

We are not meant to talk...

What is wrong with me? You don't know
What is wrong with you? I really don't have a clue

Sunday, 25 October 2020

една великолепна катастрофа

Любовта представлява една великолепна катастрофа: знаеш, че пред теб има стена и въпреки всичко даваш газ. Тичаш право към своята гибел с усмивка на уста. С любопитство очакваш кога точно ще гръмне всичко. Любовта е единственото предварително програмирано разочарование, единственото нещастие, което всеки може да предвиди и всеки път желае отново.